

[Page] 82
[Continued from page 81]

14 ft. [feet] and on the S. [South] side near the centre 10 ft. [feet].
On the S. [South] side of the entrance the outside wall is
8 ft. [feet] high and for 43 ft. [feet] round the circumference in that
direction it still remains several feet in height & beyond that it is overgrown with turf. It
is built of large stones without mortar. At 4 ft. [feet]
from the outside on the right of the passage a
squared edged intake shows that there has been
an entrance to a chamber or stair here. The
interior on the S. [South] side is full of debris and there
are suggestions of chambers in the thickness
of the wall but nothing definite. A circular
depression about 3’.6” across near the E. [East] end
may be the site of a well. The edge of the rocks
on the loch side is 22 ft. [feet] distant from the
entrance and the approach appears to have
been flanked with rubble mounds or walls on either side.
The remains of steps leading to the shore are
still visible.

Eribol. About 200 yds. [yards] S.E. [South East] of the farm
steading in the middle of an arable field
is a flagstone covering the entrance to
the earth house.
About 1 m. [mile] S.W. [South West] of Eribol farm & 150 yds. [yards]
W. [West] of the road is a hut circle of ordinary type.
The entrance to the earth house on the
W. [West] side of Loch Eriboll on the top of a mound

[Continued on page 83]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson