Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 76[continued from page 75]
------- Examiners replies to each of the underlined portions.
Education. - The parish has its proper parochial school,
furnished with all the legal accommodations. A society school, ------- no such school in
in which Gaelic is taught, has been stationed in the upper part ------- existence at present.
of it for the last quarter of a century. Two other schools have
been opened in town by masters who depend solely on the fees; and ------- Parish and Free Church
a free school, taught on the system of Sheriff Wood, together ------- Schools are the only public sem=
with a female school have been established in it for the last six ------- inares in The Burgh. Vide Name Book
years, by a society of the place. There are one or two other schools
Extracts from Old Statistical Account not noticed in the New Stat. Acct [Statistical Account]
Parish of Cromarty, in Gaelic Crom Ba, or Crooked Bay.
I may mention a large rock of considerable height, which is
termed "McFarquhar's Bed". What renders this rock remarkable, is ------- Shewn
the grandeur of an arch, which forms a natural bridge under ------- no name
the rock, admitting the waves of the sea to pass out and in with a
tremendous appearance. A still more remarkable curiosity than
the former, is a cove or cavern, formed in a rock close by the sea, ------- Shewn
having an entrance sufficiently large to admit an ordinary sized
man. From the roof and sides of this cavern, there is a continual drop-
ping of water, some of which falls to the bottom of the cave, but by
far the greater quantity is quickly petrified into a white hard substance
with which the roof and sides of the cavern are covered, and make
a beautiful appearance. This cavern is quite accessible, and is
truly a curious phenomenon.
There is a considerable extent of sea coast on the North and south east ------- Cromarty Bay comprises
sides of the parish; that on the north is flat, and after passing the ------- two small bays viz:-
Sutor Bay about half a mile, there is scarce a rock to be met with on ------- Udale Bay and Nigg Bay
either side of the bay. - There is a strong tide flows in and out between ------- There is no bay known
the Sutors; and it is remarkable, that the sea has made considerable ------- here as Sutor Bay
encroachments on the E. [East] end of the town, and falls in on the West ------- There are two prom=
The Sutors of Cromarty, so generally Known, are two promontories ------- ontories on each side
jutting out into the sea, considerably elevated above its level; the one ------- of the mouth of the Crom
on the N. [North] side of the entrance of the bay, and in the county of Ross, the ------- arty Firth: that on the
other on the S. [South] side in the county and parish of Cromarty. The body ------- north called North Sutor
of water between the Sutors, is about 1 1/2 mile in breadth, and ------- and that on the south
------- South Sutor for vide see
------- Name BooK
[continued on page 77]
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