Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 75[continued from page 74]
------- Examiners replies to each of the underlined portions.
There is a little path which, in the eastern part of the parish, goes
winding along the edge of a range of low browed precipices, till it ------- Has the path a name
reaches a fine spring of limpid water, Known to the people of the
town by the name of Fiddler's Well. Its waters are said to be me ------- Shewn
dicinal. There is a rock in the neighbourhood of Fiddler's Well called
Stormy from the violence with which the sea beats against it when
the wind blows strongly from the east
The lands of the parish, with the exception of a few little patches, are
divided between two proprietors, Hugh Rose Ross, Esqr. of Cromarty;
and Captain George Mackay Sutherland of Udale ------- written & described
About the year 1765, the estate of Cromarty was purchased by Mr
George Ross, a gentleman of superior talents and singular energy of
character, who had realized an immense fortune in England as an
army agent. He furnished the town, at a great expense, with an ex- ------- Vide traces and Name
cellent Pier; established in it a manufactory of hempen cloth, which ------- BooK for Harbour,
has ever since employed about 200 persons within its walls, and twice ------- here designated Pier
that number without; built a brewery, which at the time of its erection, ------- Factory Buidings,
was the most extensive in the north of Scotland. The Gaelic Chapel ------- Brewery, Gaelic Chapel,
which is now attended by a congregation of at least 500 persons, and ------- Court House, Post office
the town-house, a neat substantial edifice, with a large hall in the ------- and Commercial
upper storey, and a prison in the lower, and surmounted by a dome ------- BanK.
furnished by a clock, were also two of his gifts to the place. The
town has its Post Office, and a branch of the Commercial Bank
of Scotland.
Ecclesiastical State. - Prior to the Reformation there were no ------- very little information
fewer that six Chapels in the parish, but a low broken wall and a few ------- can be got regarding
green mounds now form their only remains, - even the very names of three ------- these antiquities
of the number have perished. Two of the others were dedicated to St ------- shewn
Duthac and St Bennet, and two fine springs come bubbling out in ------- shewn
the vicinity of the ruins, and bears the names of their respective Saints ------- St. Regulus's Chapel (Remains of)
Of the last and most entire, which is still Known as the chapel of ------- in Name BooK.
St Regulas, it is said that there once belonged to it a valuable historical
record, - the work, probably of some literary monk or hermit, which
at the Reformation was carried away to France by the Priest.
The parish Church is situated in the eastern part of the town ------- Vide Name BooK
[continued on page 76]
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