
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CNOC THOROBROC Cnoc Thorobroc Donald McFarlane Galston
Informant could not spell
John Morrison Ordce [Ordnance] Survey
002 A small hill partly arable and partly moss adjacent to And north of the mouth of Amhuinn Gabhsunn O Deas
AIRIDH NIOSCALAID Airidh Nioscalaid Donald McFarlane Galston
Informant could not spell
John Morrison Ordce [Ordnance] Survey
002 A small green Knoll, near the margin of Amhuinn Ghabhsunn O Tuath, on the summit of which there was formerly a shieling the site of which is now covered by an enclosure.
TATHRISG Tathrisg Donald McFarlane Galston
Informant could not spell
John Morrison Ordce [Ordnance] Survey
002 A small rocky hill part of which is arable And part rocky pasture. It is low and flat and situated on the right bank of Amhuinn Gabhsunn O Tuath.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 76
Plan 2 D List of Names collected by 2nd Corpl. [Corporal] Hayes
Township or Parish - Barvas

Cnoc Thorobroc - hill
Airidh Nioscalaid - hill
Tathrisg - hill

[Page signed] Michael Hayes
2nd Corpl RS&M [Corporal Royal Sappers and Miners]
25th March

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