
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BALMORAL INN [Perth] Balmoral Inn Mr. Malloch, Landlord
Mr. McDonald
098 [Situation] On the E [East] side of Castle Gable.
An Inn situated on the [--] side of Castle Gable has stables etc. and occup. [occupied] by Mr. Robert Malloch
STRATHTAY INN [Perth] Strathtay Inn Mrs. Bateson Landlady
J Campbell Castle Gable
098 [Situation] On the Eastern Side of Castle gable.
A small Inn situated in Castle Gable near the North Port occupied by the proprietor Mrs. Bateson.
DEADLANDS Deadlands Mr. Greig Town Clerk
Mr Reid Town Clerk
098 [Situation] On the Eastern Side of of the George Hotel.
A narrow lane extending from the Police Office (northside) to the east side of the British Linen Company Bank George Street

Continued entries/extra info

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City of Perth Sheet 98. 5. 9 Trace 2

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