
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HOUSE IN WHICH CROMWELL WAS ENTERTAINED (1651) [Perth] House in which Cromwell was entertained 1651
House in which Cromwell was entertained 1651
Mr Marshall
Mr John Cowrie Guildry offices
098 [Situation] On the east side of the Watergate.
The house in which tradition states that Cromwell was entertained is still standing in a close off the east side of the Watergate. It is an old house with thicK walls 2 storeys high and tenanted by worKing people in the interior of one apartment is some sculptured ornament like a coat of armour or shield, all the people in the immediate vicinity speak of it as the place where Cromwell was entertained after his entry into Perth. [continued on next page]

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City of Perth -- Sheet 98.5 No.14 Trace 3

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