
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Mr. Soutar, Banker and Factor
Mr. Anderson Occr. [Occupier]
Val. [Valuation] Roll (1863)
063 A farm house and Offices, the property of Miss Blair Oliphant residing at Bath
Ardblair Castle
Ardblair Castle
Mains of Ardblair
Mains of Ardblair
Ardblair Castle
Ardblair Castle
Mr. Soutar, Factor
Mr. Anderson
Mr. Chapman
Val. [Valuation] Roll (1863)
County Directory
Fullarton's Gazetteer
Old & New Stat [Statistical] Accounts
063 A small castellated building which Mr. Soutar believes to have been built about the latter end of the 17 century. It has Offices attached which lye on the opposite side of the road. The property of Miss Blair Oliphant.
"Ardblair Castle - one of those ancient massive-looking structures which partake, in a nearly equal degree, of gloomy, frowning, suspicious-looking style of the olden time, and the more open and commodious fashion of our own days. On each side of the level piece of green sward betwixt the mansion and the road, stands a row of magnificent lime trees, apparently coeval with the fabric itself, flanked on each by groves of various kinds of timber, affording shelter to a large and noisy colony of crows. The Castle is one of the family seats of Mr. Blair Oliphant of Gask and Ardblair, but has long ceased to be honoured with the residence of any of the family; and it is now Occupied by the tenant of the adjoining farm."
The Perthsire Constitutional Septr. [September] 30th. 1840

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 89

Shee 63-3 -- Parish of Blairgowrie -- Perthshire

[Note to Ardblair Castle:]
"An ancient mansion. It is one of those
ancient structures which partake, in a nearly
equal degree, of the gloomy, frowning, suspicious
looking style of the olden time, & the more open
& commodious fashion of our own days. The
Castle is one of the family seats of Mr Blair Oliphant
of Gask & Ardblair."
Fullarton's Gazetteer

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