List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
MARTHROWN HILL | Morthrown Hill Morthrown Hill Marthrown Hill Marthrown Hill |
Robert Howitt Esqr. James Smith James Lindsay Schoolmaster Revd [Reverend] T Ingleston DD Minister Lochruitton |
027; 033; 034 | [Situation] 1 1/2 Miles N.N.E. [North North East] of Troston farm house. A considerable hill on the farm of Morthrawn, it is mostly covered with wood. On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical Party "Mhontrawn" It is a prominent part of an irregular range. |
MARTHROWN WOOD | Morthrawn Wood Morthrawn Wood Marthrown Wood Marthrown Wood |
Robert Howitt Esqr. proprietor of Estate James Lindsay Revd (Reverend] T. Inglis D.D. |
034 | [Situation] About 1 1/3 Miles N.N.E. [North North East] of Trston farm house. A large tract of platation on the farm of Morthrawn, its wood consists of Oak Ash Birch and Fir. |
MABIE WOOD | Mabie Wood Mabie Wood Craigbill Hill |
Robert Howitt Esqr. James Smith Ainslies Map 1820 |
034 | [Situation] About 1 Mile N.N.E. [North North East] of Trston farm house. A very extensive plantation on the lands of Mabie, its wood consists of Oak Ash Birch and Fir. And is the property of Robert Howitt Esqr. of Mabie. |
DALSHINNIE WOOD | Dalshinnie Wood Dalshinnie Wood Dalshinnie Wood See Name List 27C |
James Lindsay Revd. [Reverend T. Ingles D.D. Joseph Carnochan |
034 | [Situation] At the East Side of Marthrown Hill. A considerable plantation the wood consists of Ash Oak & Fir. The property of R. Howitt Esqr. of Mabie |
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[Page] 3Parish of Troqueer
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Brenda Pollock
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