
Continued entries/extra info

[page] 18C

[Left hand side]
O.M.O. [Ordnance Maps Office] Southampton
21st Feby [February] 1852

An Extract from
the Name Books of
Plans 16C and 24A
sent herewith with
reference to the name
Low Hardland which
Serjeant Walker
has raised a question

[signed] W Yolland
Capn R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]

Capn [Captain] Hawkins R.E. [Royal Engineers]

[Right hand side]
Ord: [Ordnance] Survey Office,
York Feb: [February] 23. 1852

Forwarded that
you may make
further enquiry
respecting the name
"Low Hardland"
in Sheet 16. You
will of course obtain
the best Authorities
in your power;&
amongst others, you
had better apply to
the 2 Authorities
given for both the
names, which may
have caused the

[signed] J.S. Hawkins. Captn R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]

Serjt [Serjeant] Walker RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]

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Moira L- Moderator

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