Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 107Parish of Fetteresso
[continued from page 106]
and advanced on foot before the banners. Tacitus having pointed out the
dispositions of the two armies, and furnished us with the harangues of of the re-
spective generals, proceeds to give a particular detail of the battle the principal
circumstances of which are as follows. At the beginning the engagement was maintained
at Some distance. The Britons being possessed both of Bravery and Skill, eluded the missive
weapons of the Romans, pouring Showers of their own upon them. Three Batavian and two
Jungrian Cohorts were the first who closed with the enemy, the others, incited by their ex-
ample joined in the attack, and made great havock among the Britons, whose Small
bucklers and huge unwieldy Swords, blunt at the point were unfit for a close encounter.
In the mean while their cavalry likewise took to flight, and in Such impetuous disorder,
that they violently charged and overthrew each other with the weight of their horses. The
war chariots too, which lately seemed So terrible to the Romans, mingling with the battalions
of foot, already broken and entangled in intricate and uneven ground, their horses without
managers, frightened and wild running hither and thither, now occasioned among the
Britons the utmost confusion, bearing down every thing before them. Those of the Britons
who were posted on the hills, hither to had no Share in the action. Despising the Small number
of the Romans, they now began to descend Slowly and in order, like men not yet alarmed
or pressed with any danger, and extending themselves round the flanks endeavoured
to get in their rear, But Agricola, who saw their design, despatched four Squadrons
of horse to engage them, of those whom he kept constantly near his person, for the imme-
diate exigiencies of the field. These having charged the Caledonians in front, afterwards wheeled
outwards and attacked them in the rear. The enemy at last gave way and were pursued
[continued on page 108]
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