
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Geodh Bholrigeo
Geo Rorigeo
Angus Morrison, Ferryman, Obb, Harris
A.A. Carmichael Esqr.
Admiralty Chart
D. McDonald, Berneray
021 This name is applied to a narrow precipitous rocky gorge on the northwest coast of the island of Pabbay and 100 chains west from the summit of "Beinn a' Chàrnain"
Rudh Chistinis
Ru Kishinish
Ru Kishinish
Angus Morrison, Ferryman, Obb, Harris
A.A. Carmichael Esqr.
Admiralty Chart
Blacks Map
021 Is applied to a rocky headland or point on the coast 30 chains north of the above mentioned gorge.
MOL A' MHAIDE MHÒIR Mol a' Mhaide Mhòir Angus Morrison, Ferryman, Obb, Harris
A.A. Carmichael Esqr.
021 Is applied to a piece of rocky coast situate between "Kishinish & Volri Geo"
The name signifies "The big timber beach".

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[Page] 130
Western Islands -- County of Inverness

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