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[Page] 41DTurriff
[left hand margin of page]
This communication was forwarded to me
by A. Jervise Esq: author of the "Lands
of the Lindsays" It was written in answer to
a letter from me respecting "Carnegie Castle"
See other side
[signed] J. Keely
2nd Cor: RE [Corporal Royal Engineers]
[Main text]
If I were at Br[echin I]
could tell you better
about the lands of
Carnegie - so far, at
least as regards the
time that they passed
from the family of Carnegie
- There is no doubt but
there was a baronial
residence, altho' [although] of small
importance on the estate -
& as We have never been
very scrupulous in Scotd. [Scotland] in
giving the dignified name
of castle to buildings
that but little
deserve it, I think you
might safely give the
same here. I have
a MS. [manuscript] note about the
house of Carnegie at Brechin
dated 1719, but am not sure how it
is designated.
[Initialled] AJ
Carmyllie Castle was long
occupied by Strachans under the
Roman lords.
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Alison James- Moderator, Bizzy- Moderator
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