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[Page] 12A"The various tumuli around the cross, (Macduffs cross) seen by a former generation and
said to contain the earthly remains of those who failed to establish the claims of Kindred,
have given way to the levelling operations of the ploughshare and the nightly traveller is
no longer haunted even in imagination by the shriek of the ghosts that were heard at
no very remote period by the superstitious of the neighbourhood. There is however
about 200 yards to the westward a cairn of stones which is called "Sir Roberts Prap"
and which is said to contain the body of Sir Robert Balfour Laird of Denmiln
who was slain in a duel there by some neighbouring proprietor about the beginning of
last century." New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Fife page 71
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Trondragirl- Moderator, MaxInSpain
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