
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
FALSIDE CASTLE (in Ruins) Falside Castle (in ruins),
Falsyde Castle, Fallside Castle (in ruins)
Falside Castle Fallside Castle (in ruins)
Archibald McKinley, James Smeaton, Fullarton's Gazetteer,
Stat: Acct: [Statistical Account]
Forrest's County Map
013 [Continued] "The old tower or fortalice of Falside is also of considerable antiquity. It was formerly in possession of the Winton family and probably given off to a junior branch. It offered some resistance to the army of Protector Somerset on the morning of the Battle of Pinkie in 1547 and was then burnt. But the strength of the mason-work, the tower being arched at the first story, as well as on the top of the building, prevented entire destruction. Additions of a later date, but of a less massive structure, appear subsequently to have been made, and, as very frequently happened, the family of Falside of that ilk seem to have removed to a more modern mansion when peaceable times arrived, at the Union of the Crowns - as there now exists in the immediate vicinity of the old castle, a house with the initials I.F.I.L. above one of the windows, and the date 1618. In the stairs of the oldest part of the castle is a curious place of Concealment, and the old dovecot * at a short distance has another small recess, with an ancient grated door. The view of the Firth of Forth and the waving line of Sea coast from this spot, with the rich and varied fields of Mid-Lothian stretched beneath, is perhaps one of the finest that Can be found in the vicinity." New Stat :Acct: [Statistical Account] page 292.

Continued entries/extra info

[Note] Old Dove Cot ? O.M.O [Ordnace Map Office]
- There is no dovecot near the castle or place
but there is one at the Tower - page 14 - possibly the
history misplaced the Cot - that the Cot here
named and intended is at Elphinston Tower and
not at the Castle. " - o.m.o. [ordnance map office]

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