
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Archibald McKinley, James Smeaton 013 [Situation] About ½ mile N.E. [North East] from Elphingstone (Tower).
An irregularly built hamlet consisting of a number of one storey cottages occupied by colliers and farm labourers. It contains two public houses, five grocery shops and a School. It is built on ground feued from the estate of Capt. [Captain] Callender.
SCHOOL [ Elphingstone] School
Archibald McKinley, James Smeaton 013 [Situation ] About ⅜ mile N.E. [
North East] from Elphingstone (Tower). A school in the village of Elphingstone.- The teacher, in addition to fees, receives £10 Annually from Capt. [Captain] Callender of Prestonhall.

Continued entries/extra info

Parish of Tranent - [Page] 11
Form 136
page 22 Elphingstone
22 School

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