
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Spott Burn
Spott Burn
Spott Water
John McDougal
John Burnside
History of Dunbar
Statistical Acct [Account] 1841
011 [Situation] Forming the Ph [Parish] Boundary between Spott and Stenton.
A considerable Stream or burn having its rise on the north side of Lammermoor hills and running in a N. [North] Easterly direction past Spott thence to Broxmouth where it joins the Sea. After entering the parish of Dunbar at the north end of the parish thence to the Sea it is Called Brox Burn.
HARDHEAD SPRING (Mineral) Hardhead Spring
Hardhead Spring
John McDougall
William Stewart
011 [Situation] About 5/8th of a mile E. by N. [East by North] from Little Spott.
A mineral Spring near the East side of Spott Burn. It was at one time held in repute for the cure of various Scorbutic diseases

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 13
Parish of Spott

[Note] Spott Loan See Name Book Plan 6D
on North Margin of Plan 11B

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