
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Old Mains
Old Mains
Plan of Estate
James Sprot Esq Spott House
Revd [Reverend] Mr Thompson
011 [Situation] About 5/8 of a mile S.E. [South East] from the village of Spott.
A group of cottages occupied by farm labourers belonging to James Sprot Esq of Spott House.
HILLHEAD [or Spott Farm] Spott Farm
Spott Farm
Estate plan
James Sprot Esq
Rev [Reverend] Mr Thompson
Alexander Walsh occupier
011 [Situation] About 20 Chains W.S.W. [West South West] from Spott Church.
A large farm house with suitable offices including threshing machine etc, with a good farm attached occupied by Alexander Walsh. The property of James Sprott Esq Note. This house & farm is Known popularly by the name Hillhead in rent receipts it is called Spott farm.
SPOTT FARM or Hillhead Spott Farm
Spott Farm
Estate plan
James Sprot Esq
Revd [Reverend] Mr Thompson
Alexander Walsh occupier
011 [Situation] About 20 Chains W.S.W. [West South West] from Spott Church.
A large farm house with suitable offices including threshing machine etc, with a good farm attached occupied by Alexander Walsh. The property of James Sprott Esq Note. This house & farm is Known popularly by the name Hillhead in rent receipts it is called Spott farm.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 12
Parish of Spott

Transcriber's notes

Page has only "Spott Farm or Hillhead". Both versions were pre-populated and details transcribed twice for clarity.
The surveyor appears to use the spelling "Sprot" and "Sprott" inter-changeably for the Authority.

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