
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Subscription School
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Parlane UP. [United Presbyterian] Minister
James Burns
009 A small stone building in good repair erected and used as a school house in connection with the adjoining U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church, it was built by Subscription hence its name. There is an appointed female teacher to it receiveing only scholars fees, there being no endowment, the average number of Scholars is about fifty
MEETINGHOUSE Meetinghouse Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Parlane UP. [United Presbyterian Minister]
Mr. Davidson Kingslaw.
009 A large and well-built farm house and office houses all in good repair attached to it is a farm of ground the property of Mr. Cadell Esqr. of Cockenzie It was first built for, and used for a Meetinghouse by a body of Episcopalians, & afterwards was purchased by the present proprietor and converted into a farmhouse.

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[Signed] T. Smith

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