
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
THE BASS [Continued] Extract from New Statistical account of Scotland Page 330 -
"Facing Tantallan Castle on the north, in the mouth of the Firth of Forth, about a mile and a half from the shore, stands the immense rugged circular rock called the Bass. It is fully a mile in Circumference. It rises 420 feet above the Surface of the sea, and from the fathomed depth of the waters around, it may be estimated about 600 feet in total height. On the north, it is peculiarly lofty and precipitous, and Stupendously overawing. On the South, it is somewhat conical in form, sloping moderately down nearly to the base. It has been fancifully Stated to resemble in this aspect the Spoon and Knife and fork-box, such as used to grace our family Sideboards. Its superficies is guessed at seven acres. A caverned passage penetrates through the rock from north-east to south-east, where the rock grandly projects, perhaps forty feet. The cavern is passable even at full tide, if the sea be calm. The Bass is inaccessible save on one flat Shelvy point to the South-east; the south and north side of this point
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