
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LOTH BURN Loth Burn Thomas Lee Esqr. Haddington
Andrew Beatson Nungate
Lamp of Lothian
010 A small Stream having its rise chiefly in the Nursery at the west end of the town and flows in an easterly direction along the south side of the town to its junction in Church Street with the Mylds Burn. It derives its name from being the receptacil of all the filth and refuse of the southern part of the Town
BREWERY PARK Brewery Park Thomas Lee Esqr. Haddington
Andrew Beatson Nungate
010 An extensive building used as a Brewery three storeys high and in good repair with suitable offices and a portion of land and garden attached occupied by J. Inglis. The property of William Shiels

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 92
List of Names collected by D. Mason Lce Corpl RSM [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers Miners]
Sheet 1 Trace 6

Parish - Haddington

Loth Burn - Stream
Brewery Park - Building

[signed] D. Mason

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Bizzy- Moderator, Ian Anderson

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