
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
WEST PORT (Site of) [Haddington] West Port (Site of) Thomas Lee Esqr. Haddington
Andrew Beatson Nungate
Lamp of Lothian
010 This name applies to a piece of ground at the head of Court Street where one of the gates stood when this Town was fortified but not a vestige now remains of the gates.
COURT STREET [Haddington] Court Street Thomas Lee Esqr. Haddington
Andrew Beatson Nungate
Lamp of Lothian
Name Board
010 A spacious street leading from the West Port to the Town House, there are a few elegant villas on either side and the houses in general are in good repair & two & three storeys high. It is well paved and lighted.
HALDANE COTTAGE Haldane Cottage Thomas Lee Esqr. Haddington
John Haldane Esqr. Haddington
010 A neat handsome built cottage one storey high and in good repair with out offices and a small piece of land and garden attached proprietor and occupier John Haldane Esqr.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 95
List of Names collected by D. Mason Lce Corpl RSM [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers Miners]
Sheet 1 Trace 6

Parish - Haddington

West Port (Site of) - Site of Port or Gate
Court Street - Street
Haldane Cottage - House

[signed] D. Mason

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Bizzy- Moderator, Ian Anderson, Susan H Brown

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