
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MARKET STREET [Haddington] Market Street Thomas Lee Esqr. Haddington
Ticket at corner of Street
010 A somewhat triangular built Street of considerable width commencing at the Town House and running in a parallel direction with the High Street until it joins Hardgate Street. The houses on each Side are all in good repair three & four storeys high and some of the shops are only second to those in the Metropolis it is well paved and lighted.
HIGH STREET [Naddington] High Street Thomas Lee Esqr. Haddington
Ticket at corner of Street
010 A neat and handsome street of considerable width commencing at the Town House and running parallel with Market Street to the Custom Stone where two streets branches of at right angles Hardgate and Sidegate Streets the houses are all three and four storeys high and in good repair, the most of the shops are very handsome and give the street a metropolitan appearance it is well paved and lighted.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 101
List of Names collected by D. Mason Lce Corpl RSM [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers Miners]
Sheet 1 Trace 7

Parish - Haddington

Market Street - Street
High Street - Street

[signed] D. Mason

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Bizzy- Moderator, Ian Anderson

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