
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CHAPEL (Disused) (14th Century) [Dunglass] Old Church J. Hall Esqr. Dunglass
George Affleck Bilsdean
012 A very old church Situate in the Domain of Dunglass the walls are in good state of preservation but the whole inside is completely gutted out in the South transept is the burying place of Sir J Halls family. There are some very old tomb stones inside the church one of those has the date 1691. it is surmounted by a square Tower about 25 Ft. [Feet] high Sir J Hall has the documents connected with this building which he will send to the office if required. There is no grave yard.
SUN DIAL [Dunglass] Sun Dial J. Hall Esqr. Dunglass
George Affleck Bilsdean
012 An old Sun dial situate a little to the East of the old church it is placed upon a raised mound and is about 10 Ft. [Feet] in height but it has been higher a part of it having fallen down, although Mr. Hall gives it as a sun dial, still from the appearance of it and being so close to the church I would consider it as a Cross I mentioned this to Mr. Hall and he Seemed to think that it might.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 71
List of Names collected by D. Mason 2nd Corpl. RS&M [Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners] -- Plan 12D Trace 3
Parish of Oldhamstocks

Received name -- Object
Old Church - Church
Sun Dial - Sun Dial

[Signed] D. Mason

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