
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MIDDLE MONYNUT Middle Monynut Denholm Farmer Middle Monynut
James Johnston Farmer Bushelhill
017 A house, two Stories high with extensive offices, herd houses and trashing machine attached, all of which are in good repair. There is a middling Arable and extensive sheep farm. The property belongs to James W. Hunter Esqr. The occupier is Mr. David Denholm.
BUSHELHILL Bushelhill Denholm Farmer Middle Monynut
James Johnston Farmer Bushelhill
017 A house, two stories high with offices and herd houses; likewise a trashing machine, all of which are in good repair. There is a middling arable and extensive sheep farm. The property belongs to Mr. Thomas Allen, Stirling. The occupier is Mr. James Johnston.
MONYNUT WATER Monynut Water Denholm Farmer Middle Monynut
James Johnston Farmer Bushelhill
017 It's source is at the [Takeme] down Moss, it flows from that in a S.. [South East] direction and emptys itself into the White Adder Water It is supposed that the Stream received its name from the glen it rises in, owing to the numerous quantity of nuts that ust to grow there; part of the stream forms the County, and part Parish Boundary.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 32
List of Names collected by P. McHugh Pte RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners
Plan 17C Trace 3
Parish of Oldhamstocks and Innerwick

Middle Monynut - House
Bushelhill - House
Monynut Water - Stream

[Signed] J. Carpenter C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
15th Nov. [November] 1858
W James
Cap. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
15 Novr. [November] 1858

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DANIALSAN, wilson5bh

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