
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
UPPER MONYNUT Upper Monynut Mr. Alexander Dale, Shepherd Upper Monynut
George Monynut Middle Monynut
017 A house one story high with byre under the same roof, all in bad repair. There is a garden attached, lkewise as much rough pasture as supports one Cow. It is occupied by Mr. Alexander Dale Shepherd to the Harehead Farm.
DUDDY BURN Duddy Burn Mr. Alexander Dale, Shepherd Upper Monynut
George Redpath Middle Monynut
017 Its source is at the Peat Law. It flows from that in an Easterly direction between Goes Bank and Duddy Hill, and emptys itself into the Monynut Water.
BACK BURN Back Burn Mr. Alexander Dale, Shepherd Upper Monynut
George Redpath Middle Monynut
017 Its source is to the East of, and at the base of, the Chapman's Grave. Thence it flows in a Southerly direction between The Sting and the Heart Law, and emptys itself into the Monynut Water.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 26
List of Names collected by P. McHugh Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 17c Trace 1
Parish of Innerwick

Upper Monynut - House
Duddy Burn - Stream
Back Burn - Stream

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DANIALSAN, wilson5bh

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