Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 28[Continued from page 27]
"One of these murderous conflicts was of sufficient importance to merit a place in the history of the Lennox
and was fought in Glen Fruin in February 1603. The older accounts of this transaction bear such marks
of partiality as to be little worthy of credit, and the traditions of the district lead us into great confusion."
New Stat Acct [Statistical Account]
"At that time, the Macgregors and Colquhouns appear to have been desirous of terminating their feud
by a friendly conference, but with characteristic imprudence they both made secret preparations
to follow up that conference with measures of active hostility, if its results were not satisfactory.
As not the slightest record relating to this conference has been preserved, it is more than doubtful if it ever
took place. - All that can be safely affirmed of the occurrence is that on the 7th of February, 1603, both
parties fully prepared for hostilities, met in the Valley of the Fruin, or Glen of Sorrow - a name singularly
suggestive of the events of the day, as the victory proved not more fatal to the vanquished than the
victors". (Irvings History of Dumbartonshire)
"This glean has attained considerable notoriety from its having been the scene, in 1602, of a desperate con-
flict, in consequence of the renewal of some old quarrels between Sir Humphrey Colquhoun of Luss, the
Chief of that surname, and Alexander Macgregor Chief of the Clan Gregor". (Fullarton's Gazetteer)
[In margin:]
For discrepancy of dates
see Irving's Hist. [History of] Dumbartonshire
Page 212
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Alison James- Moderator, CorrieBuidhe- Moderator
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