
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Estate Plan 1837.
J. G. Clark Esqr.
Mr. Fergusson.
048 [Situation] No. [Number] 11 on Trace. 1.
A neat mansion, out offices garden and Pleasure ground Occupied by & property of J. G. Clark Esqr.
TAILOR'S BRIDGE Tailor's Bridge
Tailor's Bridge
Tailor's Bridge
Mr. Fergusson
Mr. Corrie
Mr. Crosbie
048 [Situation] 6½ chains S.W. [South West] of Speddoch
A Stone bridge of one arch across Speddoch Burn this was originally built by a Tailor hence the name.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 15.
Parish of Holywood Sheet 48 Plan 2,

[Entry for Greenside is scored out] Cancelled Extent not being sufficiently defined

[Signed] M Donohue c. a. [civil assistant]

Transcriber's notes

There are initials JBJ below each of the entries in the Orthography and also initials(?) in the List of Names - Won?

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