
Continued entries/extra info

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Watten and Wick Parishes. Caithness-shire.
In the first named parish
above. there is the district name
of "Bylbster" - which is prefixed
to four other names in that par=
-ish. In the second named it takes
the form of "Bilbster" - which is
also prefixed to two other names.
three local crofters are quoted as
authorities in each parish, while
the proprietor James Henderson
Esq. Bilbster House. Wick.
Caithness-shire is not given in
either instance.
Will you please say at
your earliest convenience which
is the correct form of the name.
"Bylbster" or Bilbster"? - for
insertion on the six inch map:-
[Signed] R M Parsons Lieut. Col. R.E. [Lieutenant Colonel Royal Engineers]
18-9-75 [18 September 1875]

Captain Nixon
Royal Engineers.

Lieut Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Parsons
I attach Mr Henderson's
reply to my question.
I believe that the name
is written differently in the two
parishes to make a distinction.
It is so written in the
Keith - Johnston's map of the
[Signed] F.W. Nixon
Capt R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
24/75 Sept [24 September 1875]

Colonel Bayly decides that
both modes of spelling are
to be adopted. - Please
let Mr Marshall Know.
[Signed] R M Parsons

Lt Col RE [Lieutenant Colonel Royal Engineers]
25-9-75 [25 September 1875]

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