
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CHURCH [Clauchan] Church
New Stat Acct [Statistical Account]
Revd [Reverend] Mr Stewart Kilmory
Origines Parochiales
Pennant's Tour of 1772 p 210
248.16 "At Clachan in Shisken where it is believed the church of St. Molios stood, and which Blaen marks as Kilmichel, may be seen in the centre of the cemetery what is alleged to be the grave of that Saint, marked by a stone having the Sculptured figure of an Ecclesiastic with chalice and crosier, and arrayed in the robes of a Mitred abbot. The exact spot where the original church stood is not remembered at the present day but most probably in the centre of the burying ground where the saint is believed to be buried. The present church was built in 1805. And is but occasionally used for Divine service, and is used as a chapel of ease to the Parish Church of Kilmory. It is indifferently called Clachan & Shisken church.
"At Clachan in Shiskin where it is believed the church of Saint Molios stood & which Blaen marKs as Kilmichel, may be seen in the centre of the cemetery what is alleged to be the grave of that Saint which is marKed by a stone having the figure of an ecclesiastic with a chalice and Crosier. A Church built in 1805 occupies the site of the former" Origines Parochiales.
BURIAL GROUND [Clauchan] 248.16 " In the middle of the burying ground at Clachan is the grave of St Molios," the bareheaded Servant of Jesus" His first residence was in the Isle of Lamlash but he afterwards removed to Shisken & fixed his residence where now repose his remains. On the stone which covers his grave which is said to have been brought from Iona, the figure of a Saint arrayed in the robes of a Mitred abbot with chalice & crosier in his hand is not inelegantly sculptured" New Stat Acct [Statistical Account]
Sròn a Carraig
Sròn a Carraig
John Kennedy Pien
Peter Currie Shedog
Alexander Thomson Shedog
248.16 A shepherd's Cottage on the farm of Clauchan. The name signifies the Rock Nose.
Balmoral Cottages
Balmoral Cottages
Alexander Thomson Tenant
Peter Currie Tenant
Archibald Cook Tenant
248.16 A local name for three cottages, one the police Station rented of the Duke of Hamilton, the other two on building leases, they are situate in Shedog.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 55
Parish of Kilmory

Sròn na Carraige

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