
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Church Continued [conitnued from page 11] Robert 1, and it is said that the bowels of his Queen Elizabeth are buried here. This church had a provost six prebends, and two singing boys, founded by Alexander Ogilvie of that ilk, predecessor of the Earl of Findlater, Mr Alexander Dick, Archbishop of Glasgow, John Duff of Maldavit, ancestor of Lord Fife, with all the magistrates of Cullen, an [anno] 1543. This foundation was confirmed by William, Bishop of Aberdeen, the same year, and by John, Archbishop of St Andrews, legata later, 1552. Each of the clergy was to have twenty merKs yearly in lands and money, together with an apartment and garden. For this end, they had several crofts allotted to them in the town, together with the vicarage of Rathven, with all the privileges belonging to the burghers of Cullen." Agreeably to the above Statement regarding the foundation of the church of Cullen, it appears from the charter of the burgh that "Robert of Bruce, King of the Scotch, granted and gave in gift forvever, £5 of the money of the Kingdom, (i.e. s 84 [shillings] Sterling) for the support of a chaplain in the parish church of the blessed Mary, of our burgh of Cullen, always to pray for the soul of the most serene Princess Queen Elizabeth, consort of the same King Robert. The church of Cullen having been, for many ages, the burying place of the Findlater and Seafield family, contains several ancient monuments of a very elegant description. The chief of these is a monument (1554) to the memory of Alexander Ogilvie, Baron of Findlater, and his wife, Elizabeth Gordon, which in point of Gothic excellence and grandeur of design, is perhaps inferior to none in Europe of a corresponding age. A superb monument to the memory of John Duff of Muldcoat, representing the figure of an armed warrior recumbant, was removed in 1790, along with the supposed ashes of the deceased, from the family burying-place in the church of Cullen, and deposited in the mausoleum in Duff House ParK, the aforesaid John Duff, who had his residence near to where the present mansion of Cullen House stands, on the opposite side of the water of Cullen, was a reported ancestor of the Fife family and died in 1404". New Statistical Account
The opinions regarding the dedicatory name of this Church are of Such a conflicting nature, that it is considered unsafe to write it on the plans.

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Co. [County] of Banff -- Parish of Cullen

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