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This website will undergo scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, September 10th, between 11:00 and 15:00, as well as on Thursday, September 12th, between 10:00 and 12:00. During this time, services may be temporarily disrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience


List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MONASTERY (Ruins) [Kilwinning] Monastery Ruins New Stat Acct [Statistical Account]
Old Stat Acct [Statistical Account]
Mr John Fullarton West Kilbride
Revd. [Reverend] Doctor Campbell
016 [Continued]
It is uncertain how far the precincts of the Monastery extends from the Main Street in a South direction, but the probability is the extent of Gardens Orchards and places of recreation were were extensive but at present cannot be defined.
The Site of the Abbots house has been pointed out by Some old men in the neighbourhood, and old Mr Bauckinry an intelligent man between 80 & 90 recollects the building and in his early day was styled Easter Chaumer

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 80-- County of Ayr -- Ph. [Parish] of Kilwinning

[Note] Ph. [Parish] not have been defaced

" The fame and Sancity of St Winnin
"led to the building of the splendid Monastery, near the Site
"of the more ancient Church of this place. According to the
"commonly received account, it was founded in the reign of
" David I, A.D. 1140, by Hugh de Moreville, Constable of Scotland
"the chief benefactor, if not also the founder, of Dryburg Abbey"
New Statistical Account on page 817

"When the monastery of Kilwining was founded
"in 1140, the ancient church of Kilwinning, which had existed before
"that time, was granted to the Monks; & continued to belong to them,
" till the Reformation." "When the extensive buildings of this abbey
"were demolished, in 1560, the walls of the church were left standing:
"and they were afterwards repaired, & fitted up, for a parish church,
"And as Such Served the parish till 1773, when this building was pulled
"down, and a new parish church was built, in the place
"where it stood." Chamber's Caledonia Vol. [Volume] 3. p. [page] 548 - J.b.G

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Chr1smac -Moderator, KatherineS, DANIALSAN

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