Argyll OS Name Books, 1868-1878
These volumes provide information on the place names found in the county of Argyll. The columns of these ledgers include the place name, any variant name and spellings, map sheet numbers and descriptive remarks.
Name | Description |
Argyll volume 01 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Ardchattan. |
Argyll volume 02 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Ardnamurchan, and Morvan. |
Argyll volume 03 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Craignish. |
Argyll volume 04 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Dunoon, and Kilmun and Inverchaolain. |
Argyll volume 05 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Gigha and Cara |
Argyll volume 06 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Glenorchy and Inishail. |
Argyll volume 07 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Inverchaolain. |
Argyll volume 08 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Inveraray. |
Argyll volume 09 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilbrandon and Kilchattan. |
Argyll volume 10 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilcalmonell and Kilberry. |
Argyll volume 11 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilcalmonell and Kilberry. |
Argyll volume 12 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilfinan. |
Argyll volume 13 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Killean and Kilchenzie. |
Argyll volume 14 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmartin. |
Argyll volume 15 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmartin. |
Argyll volume 16 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmichael Glassary. |
Argyll volume 17 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmichael Glassary. |
Argyll volume 18 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmodan. |
Argyll volume 19 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmore and Kilbride. |
Argyll volume 20 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmorich. |
Argyll volume 21 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilninver and Kilmelfort. |
Argyll volume 22 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Lismore and Appin. |
Argyll volume 23 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Muckairn. |
Argyll volume 24 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of North of Knapdale. |
Argyll volume 25 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Saddell and Skipness. |
Argyll volume 26 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Southend. |
Argyll volume 27 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of South Knapdale. |
Argyll volume 28 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Tiree. |
Argyll volume 29 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Ardnamurchan. |
Argyll volume 30 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Coll. |
Argyll volume 31 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Colonsay, and Oronsay. |
Argyll volume 32 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Jura. |
Argyll volume 33 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilchoman. |
Argyll volume 34 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmochan. |
Argyll volume 35 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kildalton and Oa. |
Argyll volume 36 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kildalton and Oa. |
Argyll volume 37 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilfinichen and Kilvickeon. |
Argyll volume 38/1 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilfinichen and Kilvickeon. |
Argyll volume 39 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Killarow and Kilmeny. |
Argyll volume 40 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Killarow and Kilmeny. |
Argyll volume 41 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmallie. |
Argyll volume 42 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilmallie. |
Argyll volume 43 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilninian and Kilmore. |
Argyll volume 44 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilninian and Kilmore. |
Argyll volume 45 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilninian and Kilmore. |
Argyll volume 46/1 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Torosay. |
Argyll volume 47 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Torosay. |
Argyll volume 48 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets XXIX, XXX, XLIII, XLIV, LVII, LVIII, LXXIII, and LXXXVII. |
Argyll volume 49 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets XXXi, XLV, LIX, LXXV, LXXXIX, CI, and CII. |
Argyll volume 50 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets XXXII, XXXIII, XXXLV, XLVI, XLVII, XLVIII, LX, LXXVI, and XC. |
Argyll volume 51 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets LXI, LXII, LXXVII, XCI, and CIII. |
Argyll volume 52 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets LXXIV, LXXXVIII, and C. |
Argyll volume 53 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets XCVII, XCVIII, CIX, CX, CXXI, CXXII, CXXIII, CXXIX, CXXX, CXXXI, CXXXII. |
Argyll volume 54 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets XCIX, CXI, CXII, CXIII, CXIV, CXV, CXXIV, CXXV, and CXXVI. |
Argyll volume 55 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CXXXIII, and CXXXIV. |
Argyll volume 56 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CXXXVII, CXXXVIII, CXXXIX, CXL, CXLVIII, and CL. |
Argyll volume 57 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CLIX, CLX, CLXIX, CLXX, CLXXIX, CLXXX, and CXC. |
Argyll volume 58 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CLXXIII, CLXXXII, and CLXXXIII. |
Argyll volume 59 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CLXXXI, CXC, CXCI, CC, CCI, and CCXII. |
Argyll volume 60 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CCII, CCXIII, CCXXIII, CCXXIV, CCXXXV, CCXXXVI, CCXLI, CCXLII, CCXLVI, and CCXLVII. |
Argyll volume 61 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Ardnamurchan. |
Argyll volume 62 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Ardnamurchan, and Morven. |
Argyll volume 63 | This volume contains information on place names found in the Islands of Canna, Sanday, Rum, Muck, and the Small Isles. |
Argyll volume 64 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Coll. |
Argyll volume 65 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Colonsay and Oronsay. |
Argyll volume 66 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Jura. |
Argyll volume 67 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Jura. |
Argyll volume 68 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Ardamurchan, Morven, and Lismore and Appin. |
Argyll volume 69 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Kilninian and Kilmore. |
Argyll volume 70 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Killarrow and Kilmeny, and Kildalton and Oa. |
Argyll volume 71 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Morven. |
Argyll volume 72 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Morven, Lismore, and Appin and Ardnamurchan. |
Argyll volume 73 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Kilninian and Kilmore, Kilfinichen and Kilvickeon, and Torosay. |
Argyll volume 74 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Kilninian and Kilmore, Kilfinichen and Kilvickeon, and Torosay. |
Argyll volume 75 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CCLI, CCLII, CCLXI, CCLXII, CCLXIII, CCLXIV, CCLXV, CCLXVI, CCLXVIA, and CCLXVII. |
Argyll volume 76 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Torosay. |
Argyll volume 77 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parishes of Torosay, Kilfinichen and Kilvickeon. |
Argyll volume 78 | This volume contains information on place names found in the parish of Campbeltown. |
Argyll volume 79 | This volume contains information on place names found in the town of Oban. |
Argyll volume 80 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CXXVI, CXXXV, CXLIII, CLII, CLIII. CLXIII, and CLXIV. |
Argyll volume 81 | This volume contains information on place names in the parishes found on OS 6-inch map sheets CXLI, CXLII, CLI, CLXI, CLXII, and CLXXII. |