
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
TIGH-CUIL Tigh cul
Tigh cul
Mr Macfarlane Barrnacarry
John McInnes Kilninver
110 A dwelling house and office occupied by a shepherd about ¼ of a mile from Barrnacarry farm house. The property of Earl Bredalbane.
Losgann Lornach
Losgann Lornach
Mr McFarlane
John McInnes
Mr Gow Gamekeeper Kilninver
110 A very conspicuous boulder on a height about a mile west of Ardnahua farm house. Looked at from the north east and south west it has very much the appearance of a frog about to take leap. Hence the name "Frog of Lorne. (Toad?)
FORT [Losgann Lornach] Fort
Mr Gow
John McInnes
110 Immediately east of Losgann Lornach is the remains of what appears to have been a building. From its commanding position it appears to have been one of those watchtowers so commonly met with on this coast. On the east side the wall is still to be traced

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 33
Sheet 110 Argyllshire

Transcriber's notes

In Authority for the word "Tigh-cuil" "Corner-house" is the translation from the Gaelic (Tigh = house and cùil = corner).
The description for "Fort" is continued on page 34.

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