
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
EAS AN FHÌDHLEIR Eàs an Fìdhleir
Eàs an Fìdhleir
"Eas an Fhìdhleir"
John Sinclair, Kilmelford
James Sinclair, Kilmelford
GO [Gaelic Orthography]
130 applied to a small stream situate a short distance east from Eàs a' Capuill, Sig. [Signification] "Fiddler's Stream,
Loch Melfort
Loch Melfort
Loch Melfort
New Statistical Account
Fullartons's Gazetteer
Johnston's Royal Atlas
Admiralty Chart
122; 130 A projection of the Sea situated opposite the island of Luing, & is indented with Several Bays etc "Loch Melfort is a Small projection of the Sea on the Coast of Argyllshire. It enters between points Degnish and Ashnish opposite the island of Luing, is 1 3/4 miles broad at the entrance and extends 4 miles inland in an East-north-easterly direction." Fullarton's Gazetteer

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 188
Sheet 130 Argyllshire

Loch Melfort, note: "(in RC [Roman Capitals])"

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