List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
ST NICHOLAS CHURCH | St Nicholas Church St Nicholas Church St Nicholas Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr McCulloch (E.Ch.) [East Church] Revd. [Reverend] Mr Forsyth (W.Ch.) [West Church] Mr A Scatterty (Verger) Annals of Aberdeen (Kennedy's) |
075 | [Continued] (P. 14) "Called for that cause both then and now, the Lady of Pittye her Vault. It supporteth the east end of the New Church, the floor thereoff, levelled out of the sloping churchyard, makes the doore threshold no lower than the churchyard itselfe, neither doth the arched roof thereoff raise that pairt of the new church floor bot 3 steps or greeses higher than the rest of the floor, and thes so artificiallie contryved, that they tend to the greater bewtifieing of the Church above. Bothe churches above are supported with two rowes of stone pillars, having large rooms behind the pillars. Ther roofs are seild with wainscot. The Old Church began to be builded by the Citizens about the year 1060, the fabrick augmented by little and little, and enriched with gifts dedicated therunto. Ther hangs in its steeple thrie great bells thes at everie half hour by helpe of the clocke repeat thrie perfect musicall notes, fa, sol, la, Thr [Thrie] of thes bells, as also the great clock, wer gifted to that Church by William Leith of Barns, provost of Aberdeen about the year 1313. The cheefest citizens have ther proper buriall places in thes Churches (P. 15) as some noble and gentle men have thers also, as the Lord of Forbes, first of that name, the Knights of Drumm, Irwings, and the familie off Pitfoddells, Menzie's. Lykewayes, that learnit man, Doctor Duncan Liddell lyes buried in the Old Church, his tombe stone, Covered with brasse, with ane inscription suteable to his worth engraved therupon. The New Church was not begun to be builded till the year 1478, and not finished before the year 1493, upon the cities charges, as the Old Kirk at first was. In the year 1560, it went near to have been overthrown, hade not the Citizens taken arms and guar [guarded] it, and withstood the attempt of the congregatione lords. In our tyme, the vaulted or Low chur [church] serves |
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[page] 244 City of AberdeenTranscriber's notes
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