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and none from diphtheria. (We shall have to notice this
terrible death-rate from what must have been really diph-
theria in connection with other districts in the Lews.) Total
mortality, 246.

Carnoch (population, 267.8), has 2 deaths from diph-
theria, 1 from whooping cough, and 1 from consumption.
There were only 6 deaths in 5 years.

Coigach (population, 1111.2) has 1 death from whooping
cough, 5 from consumption, &c.; but there are 61 deaths
uncertified out of 74 in the 5 years.

Contin (population, 638.4), has 2 deaths from pneumonia,
1 from measles, 1 from croup (none from diphtheria), 1 from
whooping cough, and 5 from consumption, &c. Total imor-
tality, 37.

Cromarty (population, 2007.8), has 2 deaths from cancer,
8 from pneumonia (7 in '86), 6 (as we would expect from bad
and careless feeding of infants) from diarrhoea, 1 from erysip-
elas, 1 from puerperal fever, 1 from typhoid, 1 from croup, and
13 from consumption, &c. (The proportion of uncertified
deaths is one-third.) Total mortality, 169.

Dingwall (population, 2453.2), shows 1 from blood poison-
ing, 9 from cancer, 9 from pneumonia (4 in April, '89), 3 from
diarrhoea, 2 from diphtheria, 1 from croup, 1 from erysipelas, 5
from measles, 1 from tetanus, 2 from typhoid, 42 from con-
sumption, &c. (The proportion of uncertified deaths is low,
as we would expect here = 1 only in 17.) Total, 245.

Edderton (population, 700.8), has one death each from
cancer, pneumonia, and puerperal fever, 2 from whooping
cough, and 4 from consumption, &c. Out of a total of 43.

In Fearn (population, 1994), the record is 1 death from
blood poisoning, 4 from cancer, 1 from diarrhoea, 1 from diph-
theria, 2 from measles, 1 from puerperal fever, the same
number from rheumatic fever and scarlatina, 1 from lock-jaw,
6 from typhoid (all in the summer of '85), and 17 from con-
sumption, &c. In a total death-rate for 1 to 5 years of 151.

Fodderty (population, 1871.6), shows 2 deaths from

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pneumonia, 3 from diarrhoea, 1 from diphtheria, 1 from measles,
1 from puerperal fever, and 19 from consumption, &c., out of
a total of 160.

Glenshiel (population, 406), shows 1 death from blood
poisoning, 1 from cancer, and 1 from consumption, &c., out of
a total of 27 (of which 15 are uncertified).

Gairloch (N. and S., population, 4257.6), has - cancer,
6; pneumonia, 6; diarrhoea, 1; diphtheria, 3; erysipelas, 1;
mumps, 1; rheumatic fever, 1; scarlatina, 1; typhoid, 1; con-
sumption, &c., 42. Total deaths, 304, out of which 200 are

In Knockbain (population, 1765.2) there was 1 death
from pneumonia, 3 from diphtheria, 1 from croup, and 4 from
consumption, &c., out of a total of 111.

Kintail (out of a population of 628) has one death each
from blood poisoning, pneumonia, and cancer, 3 from whoop-
ing-cough, while there are 7 from consumption, &c., out of a
total of 59, of which 34 are uncertified.

In Kinlochluichart (population, 630.8) there were in
all 37 deaths, of which 2 are set down to whooping-cough, 3 to
consumption, &c. 14 are uncertified.

Killearnan (population 975.6) shows 2 deaths from
pneumonia, 1 from whooping-cough, and 7 from consumption,
&c., out of a total of 82, more than half being uncertified.

In Kilmuir (population, 1072.8) their died in the
three years 83, of these 1 died of cancer, 4 of pneumonia,
3 from diarrhoea, 1 each from rheumatic and scarlet fever, 1
from orcup, [croup] 5 from typhoid (in 1886 between February and
May) 13 from consumption, &c.

Kiltearn (population, 1253.4) shows 2 deaths from pneu-
monia, 3 from scarlatina, and 9 from consumption, &c., out of
a total of 83 (30 of which are uncertified).

Kincardine (population, 1106) has 4 deaths from cancer,
5 from diarrhoea, 2 from measles, 1 from scarflatina, [scarlatina] 1 from
typhoid, and 11 from consumption, &c., out of 85 in all, 40
being uncertified.

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