

[Note] 252

Perth District.

The population of the Perth District, estimated to the middle of 1895, was
20,746. During the year there were 523 Births registered, giving a Birth-rate of
25.20, and 303 Deaths, giving a Death-rate of 14.60. In 1894 the Birth-rate was
22.4, and the Death-rate 14.69. The Natural Increase of the population during
1895 was 220, as compared with 161 in 1894. Deaths in persons over 60 years of
age were 130, or 42.9 per cent. of the total, and of Infants under one year there
were 44 Deaths, of which 19 were attributed to developmental causes, giving an
Infant Mortality of 84.13, as compared with 94.0 in 1894. Zymotic Diseases caused
25 Deaths in 1865, as compared with 29 in 1894, giving a Zymotic Death-rate of
1.34 during 1895, as compared with 1.38 in 1894.
The sanitary condition of the Perth District has steadily advanced during the
past year, and the fact is testified by a steadily-decreasing Death-rate.
During the year two important Water-Supply Schemes have been completed,
one for the eastern portion of the Carse of Gowrie, and the other for the Villages of
Almondbank and Bridgeton. Both are giving satisfaction to those immediately
interested. Water Supplies for the Villages of New Scone and Bankfoot have
received much attention from the District Committee; and as it has been demonstrated
by the Reports of the Engineer to whom the matter was remitted, that water might
be brought to both of these important places at a moderate expense, it is hoped that
before the expiry of 1896 the works will be accomplished facts. No Drainage
schemes were carried out during the past year, but the District Committee have had
under consideration the necessity of proper Drainage being provided for the Villages
of Bankfoot, Stanley, and Methven; and there is little doubt that the Committee will
not rest satisfied until the present insanitary condition of these villages, due to the
want of proper drainage systems, is remedied.
2. General enquiries have been made to ascertain the Sanitary condition of the
District during the year, and much work has had to be undertaken in connection
with the ordinary routine of the Department, in dealing with cases of Infectious
Disease and nuisances. In carrying out the latter, great assistance has been rendered
by the local Sanitary Inspectors. No certificates have been necessary under the
Public Health Acts during the past year, not has any action been required in connec-
tion with the sanitary condition of Factories and Workshops.
4. Retail Bakehouses. - There are now seventeen of these in operation in the
Perth District, a new Bakehouse having been opened during the year at Glenfarg.
Another of the older Bakehouses has been extensively remodelled by the proprietor,
and thereby brought into keeping with the terms of the Acts. The Bakehouses
have been inspected during the year, and in the majority of instances the premises
were found in good order. In one or two, however, the tenants had to be remonstrated
with in consequence of the untidy condition in which the Bakehouses were found.
5. During 1895 full advantage has been taken of the arrangement made with the
Directors of the Perth Royal Infirmary, whereby the District Committee are entitled
to send for treatment any patient suffering from Infectious Disease. During the
year 32 cases received Hospital treatment. As the agreement with the Infirmary

[Note] 253

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, LN_Transcriber