

[Page] 14

TABLE showing relation between Deaths from Diarrhoea and
Underground 48-inch Thermometer Readings.

[Table inserted]

Whooping Cough caused 4 deaths during 1895, as compared with 14 in 1894.
Measles caused 3 deaths during 1895, as compared with 1 in 1894. The disease
was prevalent during the year, but the type was mild.
Deaths Uncertified, or in which the cause was insufficiently stated, were 99
during 1895, as compared with 68 in 1894. It is to be regretted that so much
valuable information is lost through the laxity allowed in connection with the Medical
Certificate of Cause of Death. In the Highland District there were 46 deaths, or 4
per cent. of the total uncertified.
To the Registrars of the various Registration Districts within the County
thanks are due for supplying returns of Births and Deaths during the year, without
which the compilation of Vital Statistics would be impossible.
Hospital Accommodation. - The arrangement by which the Perth, Central,
Highland, and Eastern District Committees are entitled to send patients to the Perth
Royal Infirmary has again been found to prove most useful. As this arrangement
is drawing to a close, it is now necessary to reconsider its terms. Until February,
1895, the County Medical Officer, by his positiion on the Acting Staff of the Infirmary,
was able to supervise the treatment of the County cases, and to give information to
the relatives when required. Since the above date the County Medical Officer has
ceased to be connected with the Infirmary, and, although the treatment of the patients
has been so far satisfactory, yet, difficulties have occurred which might have been
obviated had the terms of the agreement with the Perth Royal Infirmary secured
to the County Medical Officer a right of admission to the County cases.
In the Western District the portable Hospitals are now stationed one at
Glenoglehead, near Killin, and the other at Wellpark, near Dunblane. The latter
had no occasion to be opened during 1895, but in the former no less than 14 cases
were treated. The portable Hospital for Small-pox belonging to the Highland
District has now been moved to a central position, and stored in a shed erected for
the purpose close to the main line, so that when required it can be easily trucked and
taken to the infected locality. Removals of patients suffering from infectious disease
have been carried out during the past year without mishap, and the operations have
been much facilitated by the hearty co-operation of the various Railway Companies
and their officials.

[Note] 250

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The Infectious Disease (Notification) Act has during the past year very
materially assisted in the stamping out of infectious disease, and where all of the cases
were notified there never was any difficulty in at once circumscribing the disease, but
again and again cases were unreported either through the real or pretended ignorance
of those in charge, and much trouble and annoyance resulted.
I desire again to offer to the County Council and District Committees my sincere
thanks for the kindness they have shewn, and for their willingness at all times to give
their thoughtful consideration to the sanitary interests of the County.

County Medical Officer.
31st March, 1896.

[Note] 251

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, seamill