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SirI this Post received your
Survey of Servant duty payl. [payable] out of the Burgh
of aberdeen from 25th. March 1778 to 25th. of
March 1779 Amot [amount] to £48.6.0 Str [Sterling] which was
laid before the Magistrates And this day
I have begun to Collect - Genl [General] Mackay, &
Lord Binning have paid but Capt [Captain] Home
of the Fencibles refuses positively: - I should
like to have the other Surveys as soon as you
conveniently can And am
Your mo: [most] hul. [humble] Servant
James McLean.
Abdn. [Aberdeen] 16 Septr [September]
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noho, RobbieH52
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