
Date Prog # of masters Masters/mistresses names and designations Prog # of servants Servants names Quality of servants Duty
20 Aug 1777 41 Mr Baron Maule Daniel Stewart Butler
Allexander Kennedy Cook
John Forbes Gardiner
George Lees Coachman
James Marchall Groom
6 William McBain Footman £4.10.0
42 Capt [Captain] Rutherford 1 John Blackbird Footman £0.15.0
43 Lady Lovet 1 James Mitchell house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
44 Mr David Walter Advot [Advocate] 1 Robert Meek house Servant £0.15.0
45 Mr Nathan Spence Docter 1 Thomas Hogarth footman £0.15.0
46 Mr James Cuningham Jun [Junior] 1 William Mcfarlane house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
2 Sep 1777 47 Mr William Aytoun writer 1 Peter McEwan house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
48 Mr Alexander Hamilton Surgeon 1 John Scott house servt [Servant] £0.15.0
49 Mr Thomas Belsches 1 Robert Speers house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
50 Mr Leonard Urquhart 1 Edward Shaw £0.15.0
25 Sep 1777 51 Mr Robert Watt writer 1 William Milne house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
3 Oct 1777 52 Mr Charles Guthrie writer 1 Dun McLagan house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
53 Mr Andrew Balfour Advot [Advocate] 1 William Henderson house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
54 Lady Christian Grahame 1 John Mathie footman £0.15.0
55 Countess Aberdeen 1 James Stewart house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
27 Oct 1777 56 Lady Agnew 1 John Harvie house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
57 Mr Thomas Campbell Argyles Square 2 James Galbrath
Archibald Black
house Servt [Servant]
58 Docter Hope 2 Robert Johnston
John McArra
chaise driver
house Servt [Servant]
59 Lord Justice Clerck 7 Patrick Anderson
Robert Brownlee
John Gibson
Thomas Drysdale
James Taylor
Allexander Hay
Norman Mcleod
Coachman & helper
Coachman & helper
Cook &c
60 Mr Hay Campbell Advot [Advocate] 3 Allexander Cumming
Allex Richie
Hugh Clerk
61 Mr Charles Little 1 William Johnston house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
62 Mr John Anstruther Advot [Advocate] 1 Allexander Tait house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
63 Mr George Muir 2 Thomas Tweedie
John McIntosh
chaise driver
64 Mr Robert Blair Advot [Advocate] 1 John Mathieson house Servt (Servant) £0.15.0
65 Mr James Balfour writer to Sig [Writer to the signet] 1 John Sinclair house Servt (Servant] £0.15.0
66 Mr Charles Brown writer to Sig [Writer to the Signet] 1 John Edmonston footman £0.15.0
67 Mr William Nairn Advot [Advocate] 1 Robert Grahame house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
28 Oct 1777 68 Mr David Erskine writer 1 George Mason house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
69 Mr George Wallace Advot [Advocate] 1 James Fraser footman £0.15.0
70 Mr James Walker writer 1 John Hamilton footman £0.15.0
71 Mr David Russell Advot [Advocate] 1 John Forrest footman £0.15.0
72 Mrs Andrew Sinclair 1 Alexander Purvis footman £0.15.0
73 Mr Robert Menzies 1 Robert Mckerchar footman £0.15.0
74 Mr Allexander Keith Revelston 1 George Tofts footman £0.15.0
34 50 £37.10.0

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valrsl- Moderator, charles, camcron, Aunt Sally, Keith Donaldson