Scheduled Maintenance

This website will undergo scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, September 10th, between 11:00 and 15:00, as well as on Thursday, September 12th, between 10:00 and 12:00. During this time, services may be temporarily disrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience


Date Prog # of masters Masters/mistresses names and designations Prog # of servants Servants names Quality of servants Duty
9 Jul 1777 1 Allan Clerk writer 1 John Munro House Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
2 Lady Collston 1 James Gamock House Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
3 Honble. [Honourable] Alexander Gordon Advt [Advocate] 4 John Falconar
Robert Stewart
John Dawson
Robert Drysdale
my own Servt [Servant]
4 Docter Alexander Webster 1 William Ramsay Footman £0.15.0
5 Mr James Rae Surgeon 1 William Scott Footman £0.15.0
6 Mr James Smith writer 1 Archibald McIntyres a Boy £0.15.0
7 Mr James Lander of Cairolside 1 James Mitchell a Boy £0.15.0
8 Mrs Shaw 1 Alexander Smith House Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
9 Mrs Hellen Clerk 1 Thomas Dunlop House Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
16 Jul 1777 10 Governour Weemys Castle 3 Anthony Fuller
Charles Cuthberson
William Lindsay
house Servant
a Boy
11 Mrs Smith of Methenn 1 £0.15.0
12 Mr John Davidson writer 2 James Skirvine
John Wight
house Servt [Servant]
chaise dryrve [Driver]
13 Mrs Douglas Ramsay's Garden 1 Alexander Lawson £0.15.0
14 Mr George Fareholm Garden 1 John Allexander house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
15 Mrs John Campble 2 James Philp
James Reid
16 Mr James Bosswell Advot [Advocate] 1 John Ritter £0.15.0
17 Mr George Clerk Maxwell 1 John Millar house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
21 Jul 1777 18 Docter Gregory Grant 1 James Campbell house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
19 Mrs Hunter 1 William Cormack house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
20 Mr Allan McConachie Advot [Advocate] 1 P Has £0.15.0
21 Baillie John Nordie 1 John Getlatly house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
22 Mr James Loch writer 1 John Gillmour house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
23 Mr Thomas Innes writer 1 James Yellowlies house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
24 James Ferguson Essqr Pitfour 1 John Anderson £0.15.0
31 Jul 1777 25 Mr William Young writer 1 Malcom Paterson house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
26 Mr Thomas Cumming Bankier 1 William Christed house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
27 Mr Alexander Gardiner Mercht [Merchant] 1 John Campbell house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
28 Mr Roderick McLeod writ to Sigt [Writer to the Signet] 1 John Carmichall house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
29 Lady Christian Carnagie 1 Donald Mcnab house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
30 Mr James Marchall writer 2 Charles Cameron
James Houden
house boy
31 Mr Robert Sinclair Advot [Advocate] 1 John Gall house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
9 Aug 1777 32 Mr Thomas Craig of Riccarton 1 Archibald McDarmed house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
33 Mr Alexander McKenzie writer 1 John Kennedy house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
34 Mrs Alison Cheap 1 Robert Henderson house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
35 Mr Alexander Menzies writer 1 William Scott house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
36 Mr Samuel Mitchelson Senr [Senior] 1 John Grant house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
37 Mr Andrew Wood Surgeon 1 Robert Green house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
11 Aug 1777 38 James Syme Esqr Northfield 1 John Cairns Stable boy £0.15.0
39 Mr William Barclay Forfit Estate 1 Hugh Glass house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
40 Mr George Sinclair 1 Charles Foord house Servt [Servant] £0.15.0
40 48 £36.0.0

Transcribe other information

A List of the Livery Servts. [Servants] Names Retain'd or Employ'd in Any
Capacity as Servts. [Servants] by the Inhabitants of Edinbr. [Edinburgh] from the 5th July 1777
to the 25th Mar. [March] 1778 & payable at the Colector [Collector] of Cess in terms of the Act of Parlimt. [Parliament]
by John Maughan Surveyor

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, noho, MAB, Aunt Sally, Keith Donaldson