Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Kinneill Paroch | |
Duke Hamiltouns Land (without the coall) with his Grates Sait Fewars | |
not hereafter sett doun ThreeThousand sixty six pound thirtein shill | 3066.13.04 |
four pennies | |
Balderstoun Two Hundereth and Twenty pounds | 220.00.00 |
Roustand Fourty sixpounds | 46.00.00 |
King glafs park fifty pound | 50.00.00 |
Alexander Hardy in Borroustoun Twenty four pounds | 24.00.00 |
George Wilson ihere Thirty pounds | 30.00.00 |
Gaws Twenty Two pounds | 22.00.00 |
Alexander Hardy in Borroustoun Nefs Thirty Four pounds | 34.00.00 |
Mr Andou Keir ihere Thirty Two pounds | 32.00.00 |
Robert Mitchell ihere Twelve pounds | 12.00.00 |
David Redpeths Heirs Twelve pounds | 12.00.00 |
William Kers Ten pounds fourtein shilling | 10.14.00 |
Suma Kinneill Paroch without the coall and salt | |
Three Thousand Five Hundered & Fifty Nyne pound Eight shilling |
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