Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Carridden Paroch | |
Blaiknefs Four Hundereth pounds | 400.00.00 |
Bonhard without the Coall and Salt Three Hundereth twenty five pound six | 325.06.08 |
shilling Eight pennies | |
Northbank Four Hundereth pounds | 400.00.00 |
Grug foot Three Hundereth fifty three pounds | 353.00.00 |
Carridden Seven Hundereth thirty pounds | 730.00.00 |
Stacks Ane Hundereth and fifty pounds | 150.00.00 |
Caldcoals Two Hundereth sixty ane poundsixtein shilling | 261.16.00 |
Grange without the Coall and Salt Nine Hundereth and sixty pounds | 960.00.00 |
Kinglafs without the Coall and Salt Three Hundereth twenty pound | 320.00.00 |
Waltoun Two Hundereth Eightein pounds | 218.00.00 |
Suma Carridden Paroch without the Coall and Salt | |
Four Thousand Ane Hundered & Seventein pounds Two shilling | |
& Eight pennies |
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