Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Linlithgow Paroch | lib [pounds] ss [shillings] d [pennies] |
Ochiltrie One thousand Two Hundereth pounds scots | £1200.0.0 |
Riccartoun Ane Thousand Five Hundereth pounds | £1500.0.0 |
Westbinnie Four Hundereth Thirty seven pounds Ten shilling | £437.10.0 |
Eistbinnie Four Hundereth Sixty Six pound Ten shilling | £466.10.0 |
Pardovein Two Hundereth Thirty Three pound Ten shilling | £233.10.0 |
Wester Kingcavill Two Hundereth Sixty Six pound | £266.0.0 |
Magdalans Four Hundereth pounds | £400.0.0 |
Woodcockdaill Ane Hundereth and Fifty pound | £150.0.0 |
Kettlestoun Three Hundered and Fifty pound | £350.0.0 |
Thomas Edward Langcraft Six Hundereth pounds | £600.0.0 |
V: [Viscount] Oxfuirds Land Four Hundereth Sixty Five pounds | £465.0.0 |
Easter Kingcavill Seven Hundereth Fifty seven pounds | £757.0.0 |
Park Ane Hundereth Fifty Three pounds | £153.0.0 |
Prestoun Seven Hundereth & Ninty pounds | £790.0.0 |
Hangingside Two Hundereth Nine pound Ten shilling | £209.10.0 |
Hiltly Eighty pounds | £80.0.0 |
Westport Five Hundereth pounds | £500.0.0 |
Bonnitoun Eight Hundereth pounds | £800.0.0 |
Bredlaw Three Hundereth Fiftein pounds | £315.0.0 |
Wrae Three Hundereth pounds | £300.0.0 |
Wairdlaw Ane Hundereth pounds | £100.0.0 |
Gartravein Ane Hundereth & Ane pound | £101.0.0 |
Wilcoxholme Fourty pounds | £40.0.0 |
Kingsfield Sixty Six pounds Thirtein shilling Four pennies | £66.13.4 |
Hopetouns pairt of Gartravein Ane Hundered and Eighty pound | £180.0.0 |
Carribber Three Hundered and Twenty Three pound six shillings & Eight pennies | £323.6.8 |
Lord Ross &c: [et cetera] Four Hundereth Thirty Ane pound Thirtein shilling Four pennies | £431.13.4 |
Alexander Rae Sixty Six pound Thirtein shilling Four pennies | £66.13.4 |
Porterside Thirty pound Ten shilling | £30.10.0 |
Bonside Sixty Six pound Thirtein shilling Four pennies | £66.13.4 |
Parkly Two Hundereth and Sixty pounds | £260.0.0 |
Mayns Ane Hundereth pounds | £100.0.0 |
Williamcraigs Ane Hundereth pounds | £100.0.0 |
Niccoll Gardner Fifty Two pounds | £52.0.0 |
Robert Cuthbertsone Twenty Ane pounds | £21.0.0 |
Alexander Maistertoun Eightein pound six shilling Eight pennies | £18.6.8 |
James Kairns airs Fiftein pounds | £15.0.0 |
Allan Rule Fiftein pounds | £15.0.0 |
Henry Duncan Twelve pounds | £12.0.0 |
James Rule Four pounds | £4.0.0 |
Alexander Ferguson Five pounds | £5.0.0 |
Henry Peiries Eliven pound Five shilling | £11.5.0 |
James Russall Eliven pound Six shilling | £11.6.0 |
Patrick Allan Eliven pounds Six shilling | £11.6.0 |
Androu Duncan Four pound Fiftein shilling | £4.15.0 |
Patrick Gibisons Airs Twenty seven pound Ane shilling Six pennies | £27.1.6 |
William Thomsone Twenty Four pound Ten shilling | £24.10.0 |
John Duncan Four pound Fiftein shilling | £4.15.0 |
Robert Androu Fiftein pounds | £15.0.0 |
Thomas Androu Elder Four pound Ten shilling | £4.10.0 |
Robert Archbald Six pound Sixtein shilling Six pennies | £6.16.6 |
William Broun Six pound Sixtein shilling Six pennies | £6.16.6 |
David Morieson Seven pound Ten shilling | £7.10.0 |
Margarat Ramsay Seven pound Ten shilling | £7.10.0 |
James Henderson merchand Seven pound Ten shilling | £7.10.0 |
James Craufuird Twenty pounds | £20.0.0 |
Thomas Huntars Airs Thirty pounds scots | £30.0.0 |
John More Five pounds | £5.0.0 |
William Steidman Seven pound Ten shilling | £7.10.0 |
John Calder Seven pound Ten shilling | £7.10.0 |
Thomas Smith Five pounds | £5.0.0 |
George Bell Dogwell Twenty pounds | £20.0.0 |
James Geen Nine pounds | £9.0.0 |
George Bell Quinzienuick Twenty Seven pounds | £27.0.0 |
William Gillies yor [younger] Five pounds | £5.0.0 |
George Pollock Five pounds | £5.0.0 |
James Carmichaell Ten pounds | £10.0.0 |
Coupers Croft Twenty pounds | £20.0.0 |
James Peirs Rivald green | £40.0.0 |
Fidlescroft Fiftein pound | £15.0.0 |
Androu Glens Airs seven pound Ten shilling | £7.10.0 |
Mr Androu Ker Fifty Three pound Six shilling Eight pennies | £53.6.8 |
Jonnet Edward Twelve pounds | £12.0.0 |
James Kincaid eight pound | £8.0.0 |
Margarat Bruce Fifty pounds | £50.0.0 |
Sebastian Ashton Eight pounds | £8.0.0 |
James Peibles Couper Five pounds | £5.0.0 |
Marion Edward Five pounds | £5.0.0 |
Issobell Milne Twelve pounds | £12.0.0 |
Robert Stewart Twelve pound | £12.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] Linlithgow Paroch Twelve Thousand Four Hundereth Ninty Ane pounds Five shilling Ten pennies |
Transcribe other information
[ ] of the said Shyre) to be in all time hereafter the only Rule for paying of all publick Burdens (Not containing the Valuation of the Coall and Salt)[signed in margin] William Bell Clk [Clerk]
Transcriber's notes
The start of the header is off the image. I've shown it by [ ].Henry Peiries (about halfway down) - This seems to have been Henry Paries changed to Peiries.
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