
Proprietor and land Valuation
Sr [Sir] Allexander Suthrland [Sutherland] of duffus for himselff and remanent heretoris, Fewaris, lyverentaris, proper wedsetteris and vtheris within the paroche of Dornoche thr [their] moey [money] rent, doeth extend to Sex hundreth sextie fywe lb [pounds] sewin schillinges ten pennies £665.7.10
Payit of Bear in the said Paroche Sex hundreth fourscoir sex bollis Ane firlatt According to the messr [messur] of Linlithgow prick mett of Ferme and teynd, Quhilk being Convertit Into moey [money] at the pryce of foire pundis Ten schillinges [£4.10.0] for everie boll Extends to Thrie thowsand Eightie Aught punds tuo schilliges [schillinges] sex pennies £3088.2.6
The sowme of the pryce of the haill wyctuell & moey [money] rent in this paroche extendes to Thrie thowsand sewin hundreth fiftie thrie punds ten schillingis four pennies £3753.10.4
Payit of Casualities or Customes in this paroche Thrie hundreth sewintie punds ten pennies £370.0.10
Suma [Summa] of the haill moey [money] rent, pryce of the said wictuall & casuall rent wtin [within] the said paroche extnends to Four thowsand Ane hundreth Tuentie thrie punds Allevin schillingis tuo pennies £4123.11.2
Payit yeirlie in this paroche of few dewties qrwt [quharwith] some heretoris thrin [therein] Ar chargit wt [with] pairt throf [thereof] in vther paroches Ane hundreth Nyntie sex punds fywe schillinges four pennies £196.5.4
Payit To the schoolemr [schoolemaster] of Dornoche yeirlie of moey [money] of mortified rent Thriescoir sexteine punds sewin schillinges £76.7.0
Payit of bear to the minister of this paroche And to the minsr [minister] of Larige forth of the samen As ane pairt of his stipend And to the earle of Sutherland, And Laird of Duffus of tak dewties Tuo hundreth fourtie four bollis tuo firlatis thrie peckis pryce of the boll forsaid Inde Ane Thowsand ane hundreth Ane punds ane schilling Ten pennies £1101.1.10
Suma [Summa] Deductionis Ane thowsand thrie hundreth sewintie thrie punds fourteine schillinges tuo pennies £1373.14.2
Suma [Summa] of Frie Rent in this paroche extends to Tuo Thowsand sewin hundreth fourtie nyne punds sewinteine schillingis £2749.17.0

Transcribe other information


The Roll of the Rent of the Shrefdome [Shirefdome] of Sutherlandes moey [money] dewe by the Comissioners [Commissioners] vnder and efter subscryweing Appoynted for that effect by act of the estaitis of parliament of this kingdome Holdin at Edht [Edinburgh] the fourth of August 1649 [4 Aug 1649] Wch [Which] Comissioneris [Commissioneris] haveing mett on the Fourth day of december last [4 Dec 1649], And haveing judiciallie given thr [their] Oathis to vse thair best Indevouris for ane trew and Ryt [Ryght] Informaun [Informatioun] of the Rentis of the whoill Schyre, And to proceid faithfullie and Impartiallie in prosecuteing thr [their] Comissioun [Commissioun], And Instructionis relaiting thrunto [thereunto], wch [which] thay have cairfullie performed in everie poynt; Efter serious and mature deliberaun [deliberatioun], Thay have maid and sett downe the Roll followeing in Articles Accordeing to the numer [number] of the seuerall paroches wtin [within] the said Schyre, And have cast vpe the soumes According to the directioun of the parliament

Alexander Gray off Crich R Murray of Pulrossie
Walter Murray of abirstor S Gordoune
J Sutherland of clyne

[Page] 167

Transcriber's notes

L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
By and attour - over and above
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches
wodsetter - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson, Caroline Macafee