Proprietor and land | Valuation |
1 Lanerk to landward | |
Sr [Sir] James Lockhart of Ley for himself and remanent heritors, feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] within the sd [said] paroch of lanerk ther mony rent doeth extend to thre thousand seiven hunderethe twentie nyne punds 6ss [shillings] 8d[pence] | £3729.6.8 |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch Fyve chalders acording to the measur of linlithgow prick mett qch [quhich] being convertit into mony at the pryce of four pundis thirtein shillings four pence [£4.13.4] For ilk boll extendis to thre hundrethe threscoir thirtein pundis 6 ss [shillings] 8d [pence] | £373.6.8 |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch twelff chalders acording to the measur of linlithgow prick mett which being convertit into money at the pryce of four punds ten shillings [£4.10.0] for ilk boll extendis to aught hundereth threscoir four punds | £864.0.0 |
Payet in few and tak deutie to vthr [vther] persones besyd the deutie peiable to his matie [majestie] thirtie thrie pund 6 ss [shillings] 8d [pence] | £33.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] off the mony and pryc off vittall in the sd [said] paroch Extendis in the haill to fyve thousand poundis | £5000.0.0 |
Payit of mortifiet rent to the minister and scolmaister in mony four hundereth threscoir thirtein pounds 6 ss [shillings] 8d [pence] | £473.6.8 |
2 Lesmahagow | |
My lord duke of hamilton for himself and remnant heritors feuers lyferentors propper wodsetters wtin [within] the forsd [forsaid] paroch ther mony rent extendis to aught thousand fyve hunderethe sixtein punds 13ss [shillings] 4d [pence] | £8516.13.4 |
Off beir thirtein chalders inde in mony nyn hunderethe threscoir tenn pund 13 - 4 d [pence] | £970.13.4 |
Off meill Fortie thre Chalders inde in mony thre thousand four scoir sixtein pund | £3096.0.0 |
Payt in casualities for lames and wethers ane hunderethe thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] | £133.6.8 |
Payit in few and tak deutie to vthre [vthere] persones besydis the deuties payable to his matie [majestie] ane hunderethe thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] | £133.6.8 |
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[Page] 116A[Signed]
J Hamilton of Udstoun [Uddingstoun]
Patrick Hamilton
Robert Hamilton
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Jane F Jamieson, Dauvit- Moderator, AMRM
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