Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Lanerk to landward | |
Sr [Sir] James Lockhart of Ley for himself and remanent heritors, feuers lyfrentors, propper wodsetters, and vthrs [vthers] within the sd [said] paroch of lanerk ther mony rent doeth extend to thre thousand seiven hunderethe twentie nyne punds 6 ss [shillings] 8 d [pence] | £3729.6.8 |
Transcribe other information
[Page] 115Report of the valuation of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of lanerk
The roll of the rent of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of lanerk made and sett doune by the comissioners vnder subscryving appoynted for tht [that] effect by act of the estaits of parliat [parliament] of ths [this] kingdome holden at Edr [Edinburgh] the fourt of august 1649 [4 Aug 1649] qch [quhich] comissioners haveing mett on the 23 day of august last and haveing juditiallie given ther othes to vse thr [their] best indevors for a rgt [right] and trew informane [informatione] of the rent of the haill chyer and to prosead faithfulllie and impartiallie in prosecuting thr [their] comissione and instructiones relating thrvnto [thervnto] qch [quhich] thay have carefullie performed [in] everie poynt persones qo [quho] could best give informane [informatione] of the trew worth and valow of each paroch nominat be the kirk sessiones For ane exact valuatione of the haill schyer wer cited befoir vs and conform to thr [their] depositiones vpon oath the valuane [valuatione] of the haill schyer the pryce of victuall being computed acording to the derectiones of the Parliat [Parliament] doeth extend to the soume of ane hundereth thirtie nyn thousand fyve hundereth thre score sixtein pundis 13 ss [shillings] 4 d [pence] scotts [£139,576.13.4]
Qwhairvpon we the sd [said] comissioners taiking into consideration the last wordis of or [our] comissione fra the parliat [parliament] declairing tht [that] no respect shall be had to ane valuane [valuatione] to be reportit tht [that] should be vnder the totall of the former valuane [valuatione] delyverit to the comissioners of ilk schyer be the Clerk Register Have in obedience to the act of parliat [parliament] and to prevent the hasard of the sertificatione thrin [therin] conteint maid ane additione to the soum of the valuane [valuatione] above specifiet maid vpon the depositione of wittnesss [witnesses] vpon oath And sett doune the rolle following in articles acording to the number of the severall paroches wtin [within] the sd [said] schyer & have cast vp the soumes according to the derectione of the parliat [parliament] With this speciall provisione and protestatione That the declaratione of the parliat [parliament] concerning such valuanes [valuationes] of vthre schyers as sall be reportit vnder the former totall be carfullie observit And in caise the valuane [valuatione] of anie schyer sall be admittit vnder ther formar totall That in tht [that] caice the valuane [valuatione] above mentionat of this schyer acording to the depositione of witnesss [witnesses] vpon oath may be also resevit and admittit as the just totall of this schyer
Transcriber's notes
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.wodsetter - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
Some of the text at page foot is repated at the next page header throughout the Lanark Roll.
All valuations are extended for clarity.
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, AMRM, Caroline Macafee
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