Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Glencairne | ls |
The rent of the parochin of Glencairne belanging to the Lairds off Craigdaroche Crawfurdstoun Caitloch Maxwelltoun and remanent heretors thrin [therein] extends To the sowme off Twellff Thowsand sevin hundreth Fourtie Fyve pounds Teynd The ministers stipend includit inde | £12745.0.0 |
Keir | |
The rent of the Parochine of Kere belanging To the earle of Dirletoun The Laird off Lag Barjarg & remanent heretors Extends To Thrie thowsand eight hundreth Fourtie thrie Pounds in stock & tynd The ministeris stipend includit | £3843.0.0 |
Tynrome | |
The rent of the Parochine of Tynrome belanging To the Laird off Lag Pynzearie Croglerne & remanent heretors Extends to in stock and tynd the ministers stipend being includit to Thrie Thowsand Twa hundreth Tuentie sex pounds | £3226.0.0 |
Transcribe other information
[Page numbered] 3 & 98The report off the valuaun [valuatioun] off the Shreffdome [Shireffdome] of Nithisdaill in the severall paroches throff [thereof] Givin in be the Comissioners of the valuaun [valuatioun] vpoun the 5th off december 1649 [5 Dec 1649]
Transcriber's notes
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Caroline Macafee, Dauvit- Moderator, AMRM
Location information for this page.
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