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[Page numbered] 2 & 96Att Drumfreis the fourt day off deccember 1649 zeres [4 Dec 1649]
The report maid of the roll and rent of the shrefffdome [shireffdome] off Drumfres and Stewartrie of Annandale By the Comissionars vnder subscryvand appoyntit for that effect be the estaites off this kingdome holdin at Edht [Edinburgh] the fourt day off August jaj vic & fourtie nyne zieres [4 Aug 1649] Which comissionars haue mett vpoun the ... day off September and having Judiciallie gavin thr [their] oathes To vse thare best indeavoures for ane richt and trew informaun [informatioun] of the rent of the wholl shyre and To proceid faithfullie and impartiallie in prosecuting thr [their] Comissioun and instructiounes relating thrvnto [thervnto] Which They haue cairfullie performed in everie poynt efter serious and mature deliberaun [deliberatioun] They haue made & sett downe The roll following in articles According To the number of the severall paroches within the sd [said] shyre and have cast vpe the sowmes according To the directioun of the Parliat [Parliament] And followes On the vther syd
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