Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Torphichen paroche | |
1] Patrick Young of Killiecantie for himselff and Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars and vthires vithin the said paroche of Torphichen, Their money rent doethe Extend to Thrie Thowsand eight hundret four scoir Sextein punds nyne Schillinges eight pennies | £3896.9.8 |
II] peyit of Bear In the said paroche Ten chalders nyne bolls 2 firlotes according to the said measr [measure] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to (at the said pryce) nyne hundret & four punds | £904.0.0 |
peyit of meall In the said paroche Threttie ane chalders ten bolls ane firlot according to the said measr [measure] Whiche being converted into mo [money] at the said pryce Extends to tua Thowsand Thrie hundrethe Thrie scoir tua punds ten Schillinges | £2362.10.0 |
Suma of the money Rent and of the pryce of the fornait [fornamit] victuall being frie rent In the said paroch doeth By and attorr the Subsequent deductions Extendis to Sevin Thousand ane hundret thrie scoir tua punds nynteine Schillinges eight pennies | £7162,19.8 |
peyit of mortified Rent In moy [money] To the minister of the said paroche Eight hundret punds | £800.0.0 |
Peyit to the Schoole mr [Schoolmaster] there four Scoir punds | £80.0.0 |
Suma of the mortified rent is eight hundreth & fourscoir pundes | £880.0.0 |
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